About Synergy
SYNERGY, The very first flagship event of IEEE CUSAT SB, is a concept that rises from the combined value and performance of teamwork.SYNERGY is a two-week long event, which includes workshop, webinars and competitions that uphold the values of IEEE. It will enable participants to showcase their talents, improving technical skills, enlarge awareness about career opportunities, booming sectors, interactive sessions with an illustrious panel of speakers and many other things which bring light to new possibilities and craft their ideas.
Demistifying NFT
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Adoption of Improved Agricultural Technologies
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5G Evolution Shaping all Industries
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Here is our event schedule
Inaugral function followed by exciting events until 7th November
Demistifying NFT
Explore the world of NFT,Market and sell your next artwork and learn about the technology behind it.
Over the Wall
Suggest businesses,Do business better
Adoption of Improved Agricultural Technologies
5G Evolution Shaping all Industries
Dawn of DevOps NetOps SecOps, Why should I care about it?
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon